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Thursday, December 29, 2011

With the New Year just a few days away......

As we prepare to bring in another new year we look back and reflect on the last year. Quite a bit has changed for me this year. 1st my pain was at an all-time high. I barely got out of bed, couldn't put a shoe on and i used the crutches. Today im getting up and moving most days. I walk with shoes and no crutches.
Back in the late winter someone close to me recommended i try a more natural approach to treatment. I listened and low and behold it helped. My "therapist" has changed my life. Im so much stronger emotionally. Im more prepared for the journey ahead. He's helped me more than i can ever thank him for. Yes, i still have pain but i have more tools to help me now. It's gonna be a long road but I will take it one step at a time.
My family continues to grow. My girls are beautiful young ladies. With teenage girl attitudes. I get the privlege of being their mom. I watch as Jill decided she wants to try for the Air Force Academy and I couldn't be prouder. She's going to be a strong, independent beautiful woman. I watched as DeJah transitioned into a new dance school. Learning to adapt to something completely new and different. I see her love for dance grow everday. I only wish i had half her ability. She also reluctently started cyber school for 9th grade. She has become an honor roll student and learning has become somewhat of a priority for her. Her smile still melts me and her brown eyes still win me over everytime.
I see my baby boy growing so much everyday. He also is doing cyber school his progress has been incredible. He loves math and reading. He's progressing far beyond my expectations. I love teaching him. He's is such a well behaved mild manored kid. He owns every part of me and can pretty much do no wrong!
As I look back I smile. I know We are doing right for our children. They will all be given the ability to follow whatever dream it is they may have.
It's not always perfect but we are a family. Raheem and I love each other very much and will do whatever it takes for our kids.
I've learned alot about friendship this past year. I've had new friends come into my life and friends i've had forever leave my life. I believe people come into our lives for a purpose. Even if we don't know what it is. I treasure the friends i have. They know me and love me flaws and all. I love them the same.

Well now that i've bored you all
I'd like to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy New Year! Follow your dreams whatever they may be!!

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