Good evening all and thanks again for joining me. Tonight I want to write to tell you about this really Amazing Company.
A few months ago while "window" shopping for polish online I came across a brand new company called Kelara Lacquers. It was started by a soon to be husband and wife team Tara and Kellan. So while checking out their store i saw their Colors for a Cause collection. That's where my plan came into action. I contacted Kelara Lacquers and asked if they would be interested in making the 1st ever RSD Awareness Nail polish. They were excited to work with me on this project.
I explained to them what RSD was (already creating awareness). I also told a little bit of my journey and shared info about my support group RSD United. After that I told them what colors represent RSD (orange and red). Because of the burn we feel. I asked for a metallicy orange with some sort of red glitter or flakies. So after some trial and error with the colors and flakies "Put Out the Fire" was born.
Over the past week Tara contacted me and let me know we were ready to go. She also shipped me the very 1st bottle. Which i received on Tuesday. The first batch of Put Out the Fire was released on Monday. It sold out in 24 hours.
I can't tell you how perfect this color is. When i think of what RSD would look like this is it!!! It looks like that intense orange/red color in the middle of a flame.
Not only does this polish look good but it goes on well. It has great coverage in 2 coats. It is textured from the flakies but I found it covered easily with 1 layer of top coat. It's a perfect metallic.
The cost is $9 for a large bottle $4.75 for a mini. However, Kelara Lacquers has offered to donate $3large and $1.50 minis to the RSDSA.
So not only are we creating awareness but we are also helping to raise funds for research for a cure.
I, first want to thank Tara and Kellan from Kelara Lacquers. Not only did they agree to do it but they exceeded all of my expectations. They were beyond nice and so supportive of this project. They updated me EVERY step of the way. On top of that they are donating money to help us find a cure. I can't tell you how heart warming it is to have such a small company make such a huge difference.
So again Thank you. It has been a true pleasure working with you.
Secondly, I want to thank everyone who has supported me in this project. My husband, for listening to all my polish talk. I love you. To my kids for just being awesome amazing kids I love you 3. To Diane, Alexia and Jennifer Your support and friendship means more than I can ever express. I love you all. To all my family and friends, for always listening and being there.
Last but not least to RSD United and the RSD Community, for your support in everything i do. For not only buying this polish but getting everyone you know to also buy it. Further getting more people aware of what RSD is.
Though this is "just nail polish" it has the power to spread the word about RSD to Alot of people all over the world!!!
Lastly I want to thank all my readers and followers. This blog is getting bigger everyday. Thanks for taking the time to read what i have to say.
Peace, Love and Glitter,
🍰Raspberry Shortcake🍰
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
My review of Dinair Airbrush Makeup System
Good Morning all and thanks again for joining me. Today I'm going to give you my thoughts and opinions on the Dinair Airbrush Makeup system. I had asked Santa for a Makeup airbrush this year for Christmas. I absolutely love makeup and spend a lot of time researching and reading reviews of different makeup and products. So i came across the Dinair system when checking out 1 of my Favorite YouTubers Krystaal Rain. She reviews the Dinair in one of her videos and i was sold. I googled Dinair and got to their website. I decided on their pro version. Which was $259 in monthly payments however, if you paid in full they gave it to you for $199. They were also offering a free set of foundations with it. I ordered them in the fair shades.
I received everything in the photos below.
So on to my review.
Let me start off by saying I LOVE my airbrush kit!! Not only does it look natural but it is so easy to use.
They give you 4 colors in each foundation shade. You are easily able to mix them to your skin color. They also include their Moist and Dewy which is sort of a primer/ fixative. It gives your skin a shiny glow which in my opinion it needs after airbrushing. Especially if you are like me and don't really like a matte finish.
The makeup goes on smooth and easily. The actual airbrush is super lightweight and very easy to use. Its a simple slide of the finger. My kit also included some other colors for eyes, cheeks, bronzing and eyeliner. I can't really give you my opinion on anything but the blush from this set which is a rose gold. It is a gorgeous color. However, I do recommend holding the stylus a little further back then Dinair recommends. I found the blush went on very strong when held closer. I looked a bit like a clown.
I can't say how much I love Love Love this product!!
There are a few things I want to add that I learned just through trial and error.
1st i tried the age old question Foundation or Eyeshadow first? I tried it both ways. I honestly preferred doing my eyes 1st i found that underneath my eyes looked cleaner with no shadow fallout. Also airbrushing foundation around eyes was not an issue. I held the stylus a little closer so i had more control over the area sprayed. I found when i did my foundation 1st underneath my eyes just looked a mess. You can apply a powder over this if you prefer a matte finish. You can also use a face primer for added coverage protection. I used ELFs Mineral Infused Facial Primer and found it gave my skin a smooth silky finish after i applied the makeup. I also applied concealer after my foundation (normally i do it 1st) i found it blended well and had much better coverage. I did purchase DinAirs concealer and I must say I did not care for this product. It felt thick and waxy. It also seemed to make the fine lines i wanted covered the most more prominent. So i recommend sticking to your current concealer until Dinair updates their formula. My last pointer i can't stress enough is Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize. Take care of your skin. Because if your skin is dry and flakie it will look even worse when airbrushed.
So all in all i absolutely LOVE my Dinair Airbrush Makeup Kit. I highly recommend this to the "at home" makeup artist. I dont think the compressor is strong enough to last when used on a constant basis. But for 20 minutes a day it will be great. Im still learning how to perfect my technique. So stay tuned you might just see some looks created with my Dinair!!!
Thanks as always for tuning in.
Peace, Love and Glitter,
🍰Raspberry Shortcake🍰
I received everything in the photos below.
So on to my review.
Let me start off by saying I LOVE my airbrush kit!! Not only does it look natural but it is so easy to use.
They give you 4 colors in each foundation shade. You are easily able to mix them to your skin color. They also include their Moist and Dewy which is sort of a primer/ fixative. It gives your skin a shiny glow which in my opinion it needs after airbrushing. Especially if you are like me and don't really like a matte finish.
The makeup goes on smooth and easily. The actual airbrush is super lightweight and very easy to use. Its a simple slide of the finger. My kit also included some other colors for eyes, cheeks, bronzing and eyeliner. I can't really give you my opinion on anything but the blush from this set which is a rose gold. It is a gorgeous color. However, I do recommend holding the stylus a little further back then Dinair recommends. I found the blush went on very strong when held closer. I looked a bit like a clown.
I can't say how much I love Love Love this product!!
There are a few things I want to add that I learned just through trial and error.
1st i tried the age old question Foundation or Eyeshadow first? I tried it both ways. I honestly preferred doing my eyes 1st i found that underneath my eyes looked cleaner with no shadow fallout. Also airbrushing foundation around eyes was not an issue. I held the stylus a little closer so i had more control over the area sprayed. I found when i did my foundation 1st underneath my eyes just looked a mess. You can apply a powder over this if you prefer a matte finish. You can also use a face primer for added coverage protection. I used ELFs Mineral Infused Facial Primer and found it gave my skin a smooth silky finish after i applied the makeup. I also applied concealer after my foundation (normally i do it 1st) i found it blended well and had much better coverage. I did purchase DinAirs concealer and I must say I did not care for this product. It felt thick and waxy. It also seemed to make the fine lines i wanted covered the most more prominent. So i recommend sticking to your current concealer until Dinair updates their formula. My last pointer i can't stress enough is Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize. Take care of your skin. Because if your skin is dry and flakie it will look even worse when airbrushed.
So all in all i absolutely LOVE my Dinair Airbrush Makeup Kit. I highly recommend this to the "at home" makeup artist. I dont think the compressor is strong enough to last when used on a constant basis. But for 20 minutes a day it will be great. Im still learning how to perfect my technique. So stay tuned you might just see some looks created with my Dinair!!!
Thanks as always for tuning in.
Peace, Love and Glitter,
🍰Raspberry Shortcake🍰
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Good morning all
I'm writing this at 3:30 am. Ive been having a rough few days of Insomnia. But that goes along with my RSD. Check out these websites for more info on RSD. RSD HOPE and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Association (just click on all the highlighted words and they will send you to all the different pages)
Well as the title says Today's the day! Today is Crazy Sock Day 3. Crazy Sock Day was created by a true RSD warrior Melanie. Melanie was just a child when RSD struck her and changed her life. Due to her RSD Melanie developed Gastroparesis. So on the 1st anniversary of her RSD she created Crazy Sock Day as a way of celebrating the small victories despite living with a chronic illness.
Click here to check out Melanies story.
The 1st Crazy Sock Day was only about 100 people. Last year it was about 500 and this year we have had over 1800 people on facebook alone commit to wearing Crazy Socks. It's amazing what a determined child is able to accomplish.
Please also check out the Crazy Sock Day FaceBook page
and this awesome video of 2nd annual Crazy Sock Day 2012 made by the fabulous Jennifer Samson.
So Please put on your Craziest socks and take a picture and either share it here or on the CSD facebook page.
Now I will share a little bit of my journey with RSD. You can either check out my awesome friend Jennifer's blog interview with me on The Crazy Cripple or you can continue reading here. Though Jen tells my story far better than I Do.
Much like Melanie i was just a child when RSD hit me. I was a healthy active 12 year old tomboy. I loved sports and riding my bike. I was always running and playing. Until one day I went to school and came home at lunch in the worst pain I had ever felt. Unlike most who get RSD I did not have an injury or any kind of trauma to my knee. It just happened. The 1st year was hell. I went through test after test. I had a cast put on because my dr thought there may have been a fracture he couldn't see. They knew something was going on but they had no idea what. After a year I was sent to CHOP. Within 15 minutes they had a dr who was able to diagnose me. Within a week I was admitted to the Children's Seashore House and had my 1st nerve block. CSH became my home over the next couple years. I wound up spending a total of 12 months as an inpatient. Getting nerve blocks and intense (6-8 hours a day) Physical therapy. Within 3 years of starting this treatment plan I went into remission. Which is very rare with RSD but let's face it I can't do anything normally.
So for 6 beautiful years i had virtually no pain. I gave birth to my 2 girls with no issues. I went to school and had a great start on my career. Until one night in July of 1999. I woke up with a cramp so bad i was screaming in agony. That cramp changed my life forever. Whatever happened I'll never know but that cramp triggered my RSD all over again only worse.
Over the last 14 years I've had to give up working. However, I've been able to focus on my family 100%. I even home/cyber school 2 of my children. I've endured hundreds of blocks, injections and procedures for the pain. I've had 6 spinal cord stimulator surgeries. Yet I still live in pain every day. Pain so bad even moving hurts. Pain so bad clothes hurt. Yes even SOCKS hurt an rsder. I've learned many tricks and techniques for coping with my pain.
I've been able to take this life I've been given and learn to make the best of it. I'm able to embrace my creative side. Both through my physical appearance (which if i was still working I'd never be able to do) and through crafting. I've become a self taught makeup and nail artist. Im no pro but I'm learning everyday. I've also started an Amazing RSD support group. I along with my dear friend and fill in Mom Diane have created a true support group. We have provided help, love and support for hundreds of RSDers all over the world. I'm able to put my experiences to good use by sharing with newbies. Plus I've made some of the most amazing friends. That I know will continue to be a part of my life for a long time to come. As much as I started the group to help others the group has helped me. Having people understand what my daily life is like makes it easier.
So as you see RSD has changed my life but not all for the bad. Im happy. I love the person that I am. Yes I HATE RSD but I will not let it beat me. I will continue to fight and push through the pain.
I will continue to focus all that negative energy from the pain into creating awareness for this monster. I will also focus more on raising money not only for research but for those suffereing from this disease who are unable to provide the basic necessities for themselves because of RSD.
I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my story and learn a little bit about RSD. There is no cure but hopefully through awareness campaigns like Crazy Sock Day we will one day be able to find a cure.
I'm writing this at 3:30 am. Ive been having a rough few days of Insomnia. But that goes along with my RSD. Check out these websites for more info on RSD. RSD HOPE and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Association (just click on all the highlighted words and they will send you to all the different pages)
Well as the title says Today's the day! Today is Crazy Sock Day 3. Crazy Sock Day was created by a true RSD warrior Melanie. Melanie was just a child when RSD struck her and changed her life. Due to her RSD Melanie developed Gastroparesis. So on the 1st anniversary of her RSD she created Crazy Sock Day as a way of celebrating the small victories despite living with a chronic illness.
Click here to check out Melanies story.
The 1st Crazy Sock Day was only about 100 people. Last year it was about 500 and this year we have had over 1800 people on facebook alone commit to wearing Crazy Socks. It's amazing what a determined child is able to accomplish.
Please also check out the Crazy Sock Day FaceBook page
and this awesome video of 2nd annual Crazy Sock Day 2012 made by the fabulous Jennifer Samson.
So Please put on your Craziest socks and take a picture and either share it here or on the CSD facebook page.
Now I will share a little bit of my journey with RSD. You can either check out my awesome friend Jennifer's blog interview with me on The Crazy Cripple or you can continue reading here. Though Jen tells my story far better than I Do.
Much like Melanie i was just a child when RSD hit me. I was a healthy active 12 year old tomboy. I loved sports and riding my bike. I was always running and playing. Until one day I went to school and came home at lunch in the worst pain I had ever felt. Unlike most who get RSD I did not have an injury or any kind of trauma to my knee. It just happened. The 1st year was hell. I went through test after test. I had a cast put on because my dr thought there may have been a fracture he couldn't see. They knew something was going on but they had no idea what. After a year I was sent to CHOP. Within 15 minutes they had a dr who was able to diagnose me. Within a week I was admitted to the Children's Seashore House and had my 1st nerve block. CSH became my home over the next couple years. I wound up spending a total of 12 months as an inpatient. Getting nerve blocks and intense (6-8 hours a day) Physical therapy. Within 3 years of starting this treatment plan I went into remission. Which is very rare with RSD but let's face it I can't do anything normally.
So for 6 beautiful years i had virtually no pain. I gave birth to my 2 girls with no issues. I went to school and had a great start on my career. Until one night in July of 1999. I woke up with a cramp so bad i was screaming in agony. That cramp changed my life forever. Whatever happened I'll never know but that cramp triggered my RSD all over again only worse.
Over the last 14 years I've had to give up working. However, I've been able to focus on my family 100%. I even home/cyber school 2 of my children. I've endured hundreds of blocks, injections and procedures for the pain. I've had 6 spinal cord stimulator surgeries. Yet I still live in pain every day. Pain so bad even moving hurts. Pain so bad clothes hurt. Yes even SOCKS hurt an rsder. I've learned many tricks and techniques for coping with my pain.
I've been able to take this life I've been given and learn to make the best of it. I'm able to embrace my creative side. Both through my physical appearance (which if i was still working I'd never be able to do) and through crafting. I've become a self taught makeup and nail artist. Im no pro but I'm learning everyday. I've also started an Amazing RSD support group. I along with my dear friend and fill in Mom Diane have created a true support group. We have provided help, love and support for hundreds of RSDers all over the world. I'm able to put my experiences to good use by sharing with newbies. Plus I've made some of the most amazing friends. That I know will continue to be a part of my life for a long time to come. As much as I started the group to help others the group has helped me. Having people understand what my daily life is like makes it easier.
So as you see RSD has changed my life but not all for the bad. Im happy. I love the person that I am. Yes I HATE RSD but I will not let it beat me. I will continue to fight and push through the pain.
I will continue to focus all that negative energy from the pain into creating awareness for this monster. I will also focus more on raising money not only for research but for those suffereing from this disease who are unable to provide the basic necessities for themselves because of RSD.
I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my story and learn a little bit about RSD. There is no cure but hopefully through awareness campaigns like Crazy Sock Day we will one day be able to find a cure.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Some of my Favorite products from December and January.
Hello again my friends. Im back to give you a review of some of my favorite products I purchased in December and January. Some will include photos others i don't have (sorry.) I'm also going to include a few things I've purchased and didn't like too much. Some are beauty others not.
I will do a full review on my Dinair Airbrush Makeup System on my next post. So make sure you stay tuned.
Okay 1st up is some Polishes that I Love!!!
These are from Color Club. They are the 1st of this brand that I've purchased. I got the set at Burlington Coat Factory for $3.99 I think. These polishes are so sparkly and glittery. Of course they are Pink and Purple (my absolute favorite colors). I was out shopping for the kids and picked these up. My husband spotted them first. Yes he is trained to spot nail polishes from across the store lol. Just kidding but he does keep his eye out for me. So they had a few different brands and sets on sale. So many that it was tough deciding. But for me when in doubt i always go with the pinks and purples. For Everything.
Now for a little bit about these fabulous polishes. They are mostly flakies. Except the 2nd from the left which is a fuschia glitter in a pink gelish base. I do recommend All of these at toppers except the last polish on the right. Which is a Fuschia Flakie with a darker fuschia gel base. It is loaded with flakies and you get tons on every dip of the brush. i used this over a white and Loved it. The first polish is a purple i want to say hex polish but its not a normal hex. These are sort of "rolled up" now i don't know if this was purposely done or if it's a mistake but either way i think it's pretty cool. You could use this over a clear base but it would look much better over a color. Now the last is the silver. It is sort of a flakie sort of a glitter. It has a clear base and is again like the other loaded with both glitter and flakies (i love that word for some reason lol). These polishes have a great formula and go on absolutely gorgeously. I can't wait to get back to Burlington and get some more.

Next up is this really good cuticle cream. This is by Orly and it's called Cuticle Therapy Creme. I decided to try this because my cuticles and finger tips are extra dry during the winter months. I have to say this is a product i will absolutely buy again. First off it smells really good. Sort of like a cocoa butter but not really. It is a thick formula that is somewhat greasy until you rub it into your fingertips and cuticles. I usually do this at night before i go to sleep. You don't need a lot of it either just a small amout will do. I really like this product. You can purchase this product at Sally Beauty Supply. Just click the link. I believe this was somewhere around $8.

Now most of my posts have been polish related but my addiction isn't limited to polish as you will soon find out. Im a makeup addict. I love it. I am a firm believer no woman over 30 should leave the house without some makeup on.
So this set was a present from my husband for my birthday. I got it late but it was well worth the wait. He purchased it from Sephora for $49.50. It says it is limited edition and evidently Sephora releases a big kit like this every year around the holidays. We were able to get free shipping because we also purchased another 1 for my 15 year old daughter.
Can I just say how much I absolutely love love love this makeup. The kit is not very big however, it is loaded with really good quality products. It has a ton of eyeshadows, lip glosses and 6 blushes and bronzers. It also has 20 (i think) gel eyeliners in gorgeous colors. It has eyeshadow toppers that have so much sparkle. The eyeshadows are really pigmented and go on beautifully. They feel like silk on your eyelids. I don't use it often because i want to keep it looking beautiful.
I must also say my daughter loves this makeup even more than I do. She was so excited on Christmas morning when she opened it. Within an hour she had a face full and gorgeous blues on her eyes. This was definitely worth the price and I think I will be buying one at the holidays every year now.
Ok now Ive got 2 more things I want to talk about neither are beauty or fashion related but it related to something i love almost as much. FOOD. These are a bit random but hey so am I.
1st up is a gift from my husband. I got it early when my hand mixer died in the middle of a batch of Chocolate Chip cookies. This is the Kenmore stand mixer. I got it in red. I can't even begin to express how much i love this badboy. It came with 3 different attactments. 1 for dough and cakes, another for wisking things like whipped cream and a dough hook, for making breads. It also came with 2 stainless steel bowls. The larger 1 is 5 1/2 quarts and has a handle. The little one is 3 quarts with no handle. It is perfect for the dry ingredients when making cookies. I made so many different kinds of cookies in no time. You can turn it on and do something else while it's mixing.
I want to also add that Kenmore is made by Kitchenaid so all the cool attachments from the Kitchenaid stand mixers will fit on this one. This one is actually better that the Kitchenaid one. It has a larger bowl, high speeds for mixing and its quite a few dollars cheaper. This baby will be used quite often in this house. Im so happy my husband got this for me.
Ok so last but not least and probably the most random thing here but I really wanted to include something that I absolutely did NOT like. This is a pot pie from KFC. Let me start off by saying after seeing the commercial for this i had to try it. It looked great when i got it. It had a gorgeous golden crust on top (only on top none on the sides or bottom very disappointing.) Inside it was filled with a yellowish color "gravy" it also had big chunks of potato (tasted like canned potatos not fresh) it also had large pieces of carrots, peas and a few pieces of chicken. Not very many. Let me just say I thought this was absolutely disgusting. Whatever the sauce/gravy was it ruined the entire thing including the crust. I can't even begin to say how disappointed i was. I will NEVER get this again.
Well That's all for now folks. I know it was very random but i hope at least a little entertaining. I'll be back in a day or so with my review of my Dinair Airbrush.
Thanks for all the love and support. Please share my blog with everyone you know.
If you have a product you'd like to hear about please let me know and I'll do my best to try and review it.
Love Peace and Sparkles,
<3>Raspberry Shortcake <3>
I will do a full review on my Dinair Airbrush Makeup System on my next post. So make sure you stay tuned.
Okay 1st up is some Polishes that I Love!!!
These are from Color Club. They are the 1st of this brand that I've purchased. I got the set at Burlington Coat Factory for $3.99 I think. These polishes are so sparkly and glittery. Of course they are Pink and Purple (my absolute favorite colors). I was out shopping for the kids and picked these up. My husband spotted them first. Yes he is trained to spot nail polishes from across the store lol. Just kidding but he does keep his eye out for me. So they had a few different brands and sets on sale. So many that it was tough deciding. But for me when in doubt i always go with the pinks and purples. For Everything.
Now for a little bit about these fabulous polishes. They are mostly flakies. Except the 2nd from the left which is a fuschia glitter in a pink gelish base. I do recommend All of these at toppers except the last polish on the right. Which is a Fuschia Flakie with a darker fuschia gel base. It is loaded with flakies and you get tons on every dip of the brush. i used this over a white and Loved it. The first polish is a purple i want to say hex polish but its not a normal hex. These are sort of "rolled up" now i don't know if this was purposely done or if it's a mistake but either way i think it's pretty cool. You could use this over a clear base but it would look much better over a color. Now the last is the silver. It is sort of a flakie sort of a glitter. It has a clear base and is again like the other loaded with both glitter and flakies (i love that word for some reason lol). These polishes have a great formula and go on absolutely gorgeously. I can't wait to get back to Burlington and get some more.
Next up is this really good cuticle cream. This is by Orly and it's called Cuticle Therapy Creme. I decided to try this because my cuticles and finger tips are extra dry during the winter months. I have to say this is a product i will absolutely buy again. First off it smells really good. Sort of like a cocoa butter but not really. It is a thick formula that is somewhat greasy until you rub it into your fingertips and cuticles. I usually do this at night before i go to sleep. You don't need a lot of it either just a small amout will do. I really like this product. You can purchase this product at Sally Beauty Supply. Just click the link. I believe this was somewhere around $8.
These two gems are brand new and part of Wet N Wilds fast dry collection. I love these 2 babies too. The pink is a gorgeous light pink glitter polish is a very light pink base. It's called Can Can You Hang. This works really well over a white, or darker pink. It is very sheer so it would take probably 3 coats to cover well. The second one here is The Star of the Show. This one is a clear base with micro holo glitters and silver holo stars in it. I found this one to be a little thick making the stars a little harder to come out. But because its a fast dry you are able to put a few coats on quickly making sure you get an adequate amount of stars. I love the WnW fast dry polishes. Though they originally only had about 20 colors i saw that they added a bunch more recently. These were the only 2 I purchased from the new set but I'm sure soon enough i will get the rest.
So this really cool polish is from BlackHeart Beauty. I purchased this at Hot Topic for $3.99. This polish is called Berried Alive. First let me say it is a gorgeous purple GLOW IN THE DARK polish. Yes it really glows. Though not purple it glows green but thats okay. It is a sheerer polish so I highly recommend 3 coats for full coverage. You do have to "charge it up" by placing your hands near a light for a minute. It glows very brightly once "charged." It is a matte polish that didn't chip on it's on but when i put a matte top coat over it It chipped quickly. It looks gorgeous with a matte or a shiny top coat. I also got this in a hot neon pink which also glows. (sorry no photo) Another product that I loved.
Now most of my posts have been polish related but my addiction isn't limited to polish as you will soon find out. Im a makeup addict. I love it. I am a firm believer no woman over 30 should leave the house without some makeup on.
So this set was a present from my husband for my birthday. I got it late but it was well worth the wait. He purchased it from Sephora for $49.50. It says it is limited edition and evidently Sephora releases a big kit like this every year around the holidays. We were able to get free shipping because we also purchased another 1 for my 15 year old daughter.
Can I just say how much I absolutely love love love this makeup. The kit is not very big however, it is loaded with really good quality products. It has a ton of eyeshadows, lip glosses and 6 blushes and bronzers. It also has 20 (i think) gel eyeliners in gorgeous colors. It has eyeshadow toppers that have so much sparkle. The eyeshadows are really pigmented and go on beautifully. They feel like silk on your eyelids. I don't use it often because i want to keep it looking beautiful.
I must also say my daughter loves this makeup even more than I do. She was so excited on Christmas morning when she opened it. Within an hour she had a face full and gorgeous blues on her eyes. This was definitely worth the price and I think I will be buying one at the holidays every year now.
Ok now Ive got 2 more things I want to talk about neither are beauty or fashion related but it related to something i love almost as much. FOOD. These are a bit random but hey so am I.
1st up is a gift from my husband. I got it early when my hand mixer died in the middle of a batch of Chocolate Chip cookies. This is the Kenmore stand mixer. I got it in red. I can't even begin to express how much i love this badboy. It came with 3 different attactments. 1 for dough and cakes, another for wisking things like whipped cream and a dough hook, for making breads. It also came with 2 stainless steel bowls. The larger 1 is 5 1/2 quarts and has a handle. The little one is 3 quarts with no handle. It is perfect for the dry ingredients when making cookies. I made so many different kinds of cookies in no time. You can turn it on and do something else while it's mixing.
I want to also add that Kenmore is made by Kitchenaid so all the cool attachments from the Kitchenaid stand mixers will fit on this one. This one is actually better that the Kitchenaid one. It has a larger bowl, high speeds for mixing and its quite a few dollars cheaper. This baby will be used quite often in this house. Im so happy my husband got this for me.
Ok so last but not least and probably the most random thing here but I really wanted to include something that I absolutely did NOT like. This is a pot pie from KFC. Let me start off by saying after seeing the commercial for this i had to try it. It looked great when i got it. It had a gorgeous golden crust on top (only on top none on the sides or bottom very disappointing.) Inside it was filled with a yellowish color "gravy" it also had big chunks of potato (tasted like canned potatos not fresh) it also had large pieces of carrots, peas and a few pieces of chicken. Not very many. Let me just say I thought this was absolutely disgusting. Whatever the sauce/gravy was it ruined the entire thing including the crust. I can't even begin to say how disappointed i was. I will NEVER get this again.
Well That's all for now folks. I know it was very random but i hope at least a little entertaining. I'll be back in a day or so with my review of my Dinair Airbrush.
Thanks for all the love and support. Please share my blog with everyone you know.
If you have a product you'd like to hear about please let me know and I'll do my best to try and review it.
Love Peace and Sparkles,
<3>Raspberry Shortcake <3>
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